Escape Room and Puzzle Games

Wild West - VR Escape Room

Become an outlaw in the Wild West. Moonlight wakes you up in a dirty jail cell - the crooked sheriff caught you again! You vow to escape and pull off one last heist before disappearing completely.

The Sheriff's Office


You are trapped in the jail cell within the sheriff's office. Find your way out from behind bars with the help of previous occupants before you take on the challenges of the office itself.

The Saloon


Being a brazen outlaw is your way of life, so naturally, after escaping from jail, you will go to relax at the local saloon. The card game stakes are high, and the piano's music makes you dance! You could even get your beard trimmed at the barbers.

The Bank and the Post Office


The huge train station offers postal and banking services, which you plan to make us of. Figure out how letters and packages travel across the country and learn the ways of the bankers before you unlock the vault and escape.

The Train


Your successful bank heist has bought a train ticket in the elite train car, which will take you far away. The other passenger's stories are told through their luggage, but there is one last mystery: the train car itself!

New soundtrack and outfits

Four new tracks accompany each room, and new cowboy outfits await! Choose between a sleek sheriff look or a rugged outlaw feel.