Why Go VR (Virtual Reality)?

  • We're the only VR Arcade in Singapore that gives you freedom to walk in any virtual world you can imagine - on our omni-directional treadmills.
  • You can change to any game during your session.

Who can participate? Any limitations?

  • Players to be at least 1.1m in height to enjoy the experience on VR treadmills. Kids as young as 7 years old played on the treadmills.
  • People with heart problems, motion sickness, prone to seizures, pregnant women please consult your doctor before participating.
  • The weight of the VR headset is supported mostly by the head strap.
  • Glasses are worn while playing by most participants. Glasses with maximum width of 15 mm can fit in the VR headset.
  • We have senior participants before, playing chill games such as Nature Trek, Evasion and Ocean Rift.

What are the COVID safety measures?

  • Our VR headsets and controllers are sanitized at beginning of every session.